4A - Full cheek Leather Gag bit

Recommended retail price €73.00


Ref: 4A 

20 mm cannon

50 mm rings


Composition: Cannon made of a nylon-lined leather. 

Important note to our clients: leather bits are not guaranteed against bites even after the first use.

Effect: this bit has an action on the horse balance. It makes the horse rebalance and transfer its weight on the hindquarters. The larger the rings are, the stronger the gag action is. This bit combines the gag action and the full cheek bit action so it combines balance and direction. Leather Jump'In bits are very soft and comfortable for horses. Unlike stainless steelsweet iron or other alloys, leather prevents from a too cold contact. 

Tips: this bit needs special cheek pieces and can be used directly with two reins, with bit loops or with four reins. the straight flat leather cannon gives the purest contact possible because it is equivalent to a skin to skin contact. Leather will soften a lot when in the horse's mouth and will create a total confidence between the rider's hand, the bit and the horse.

Maintenance advice: rinse the bit after each use to prevent any residue deposit and to avoid your horse to feel any discomfort. Oil the leather with a vegetable oil (Warning: do not use neatsfoot oil or other any synthetic oil) to keep a soft and nice contact for your horse. 

Find our "LEARN MORS" tutorials on our YouTube channel to learn everything you need to know about the Jump'In bits:

Specific References
